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Volume 32, Number 3, pages 431-449 (2021)
Eszter Hajós-Baku1*, Beáta Szűts2
1 Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 3 Műegyetem rakpart, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3359-6053
2 Department of Graphics, Form and Design, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 3 Műegyetem rakpart, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5303-8991
* *corresponding author
Abstract: The beginnings of architecture education in Hungary can be linked to the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (hereinafter referred to as BME or Technical University). The best-known architects in the history of Hungarian architecture studied and taught here. Freehand drawing and its teaching dates back to the establishment of the institution, yet developments and changes in its methodology are still largely unexplored. Research of recent years on ornamentation and methodology has drawn attention to a unique segment of the university’s drawing education, including sample books as well as a collection of plaster casts. This collection of historical plaster casts is unique in the annals of architectural education. Once part of a huge collection, these plaster casts entered the institution in fragments as essential tools in the reform of drawing education, only to become oversized disposable objects ignominiously consigned to storage rooms and replaced by more up-to-date demonstrational tools and techniques a few decades later. Started in 2016, the underlying research of this paper has approached these items as educational historical documents, as instruments capable of introducing proportions and teaching proportion systems, as presentation tools for ornamental drawing, and as objects of heritage value. This study seeks to explore the educational-historical significance of the collection in its relation to drawing education. The aim is to better understand the history of architecture education and to enrich its methodology.[1]
Keywords: plaster casts, ornaments, education, architecture, drawing.
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[1] The research program into the historical plaster cast collection of the BME Dep. of Graphics was supported by the National Culture Fund (NKA).
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