Article Submission and Instructions

How to submit?
Contributors should note
Instruction for Authors
Instruction for Reviewers
Technical notes
Multimedia content
Publication prices

How to submit?

Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the Editor (or Guest Editor).

For text and citation styles, please use the following Microsoft Word template:

style sheet (.docx)

Papers need to be edited by the author(s) using the template file, and submitted via e-mail in either docx (preferred) or pdf format. No others than the template’s built-in styles should be applied. Images with printable resolution need to be inserted in the text. Accepted papers can only be published if the corresponding author has submitted the original docx file.

The authors need to provide two or three (preferred) names of suggested reviewers with e-mail addresses included in their submission letters.


Contributors should note

Unedited or poorly edited manuscripts will automatically be rejected. No other styles, formats or templates are accepted by Symmetry.

The editor will not be obliged to contact the reviewers suggested by the author. The anonymity of each reviewer will be retained, unless both the editor and the reviewer agree to disclose it.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by professionals of the paper’s field. Publication is due only after the reviewers’ endorsement and the Editor’s final acceptance. Article processing should not take more than 2-3 months, but papers can be regrouped in thematic issues which may postpone the publication. Authors will be notified about the status of their articles.

Only original papers with excellent English will be published by the editor, despite their potential endorsement by the reviewers. Authors should proofread their texts before submission.

Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that the copyright is assigned to Symmetrion, however, it will allow all reasonable requests to photocopy articles or to reuse published materials. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce copyright materials. The copyright transfer form need to be filled, signed, and returned to Symmetrion before publication.

Papers with unreferenced quotations, published or plagiarized material will immediately be rejected, and, with the submitter, no further contact will be made by Symmetry.


Instruction for Authors

Contributions to Symmetry: Culture and Science are welcome from the broadest international circles and from representatives of all scholarly and artistic fields where symmetry considerations play an important role. The papers should be original, have an interdisciplinary character, and should deal with symmetry in a concrete sense.

The journal has a special interest in how distant fields of art, science, and technology may influence each other in respect of symmetry. The papers should be addressed to a broad non-specialist public in a form which would encourage the dialogue between disciplines.

Research papers, educational papers, historical surveys and reviews are also welcome. In the case of complicated scientific concepts or theories, their rigorous presentation must be preceded by an introduction.

New associations and speculative remarks can be included, but their tentative nature should be emphasized. The use of well-known quotations and illustrations should be limited. Citations should focus on the most recent research results that were published no more than 3 years before the year of the proposed publication.

All papers and notes are published in English and they should be submitted in that language. The journal, however, reviews and makes annotations about non-English publications as well. Either the British or the American spelling may be used, but the same convention should be followed throughout the paper.

Only black-and-white, camera-ready illustrations (photos or drawings) can be printed in the Journal. However, the colour illustrations will be published in the electronic issue.


Instruction for Reviewers

All papers are anonymously peer reviewed. Each reviewer is requested to fill the review form, and then to send it to the appropriate editor.

Please, note, the journal encourages publishing novel ideas and approaches. Check whether they are correct, but do not reject just because they do not coincide with your own ideas and/or approaches.

Reviewers should observe the ethical guidelines suggested by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Technical notes

Papers should include the title, a proposed section of the quarterly where the article should appear, the proposed running head (abbreviated form of the title of less than 35 characters), the name of the author(s), affiliation, incl. mailing address, e-mail address, and an abstract of between 5 and 15 lines.

Subtitles (numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc.) and subsidiary subtitles (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, etc.) can be used, without over-organizing the text.

Figures and tables with captions need to be given inside the text. Sources and, in case of pictures published on the web, access dates should also be provided in the captions.

The use of references is necessary. Citations in the text should give the name, year, and, if possible, page, chapter, or other number(s) in one of the following forms: …Weyl (1952, pp. 10–12) has shown…; or … as shown by some authors (Coxeter et al., 1986, p. 9; Shubnikov and Koptsik 1974, Chap. 2; Smith, 1981a, Chaps. 3–4; Smith, 1981b, Sec. 2.12; Smith, forthcoming). The full bibliographic description of the references should be collected at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by authors’ names. All the information about referencing are provided in the template above.

List of authors in the title of the paper: the names should be separated by comma “,”, apply “and” before the name of the last author.

List of authors in the references: list only the surnames, followed by initials, the names should be separated by comma “,”, in case of three authors, the last name separated by “and”, in case of more than three authors, do not list all, please, apply et al.

List of authors in the text of the paper: cite in (parentheses) as above by maximum two names, in case of three or more authors, the surname of the first author et al.

Reference items should include hyperlinked DOI of the cited publications. The DOI hyperlinks must be given in the form…yy. In order to prepare correct cross-linked bibliography, please, consult and use the services at

Please, format the References carefully. Use the format given in the style sheet. Take care of the order of information within a reference item, the punctuation and the proper use of italics.

In order to use the template, download the style sheet in your computer. First check the page size. If it does not coincide with that of the sample page, set it using the Page Layout menu. Please, write your paper directly in the style-sheet. In Word editor, open the Styles menu where the list of styles will appear. Move the cursor over a paragraph and click on the name of the appropriate style in the list (e.g., Title of_the_article, Main_text, etc.) and the given paragraph will be formatted automatically. If you copy part of the text from another document, and the paste option in your computer were not set properly, it may happen that the format of the characters changes when you paste. In such case, highlight that part of the text, open the font menu, and cancel the unnecessary effect of font style.


Multimedia content

The journal can publish links to websites. However, these links function only from the online edition.

Authors are encouraged to insert QR CODES in their papers that arrow to webpages, like videos (animations, movies, recorded lectures), music files, artistic materials (exhibition visits and catalogues, individual pictures – the latter may arrow to online published images whose publication right could not be obtained by the authors). The QR codes (both in the electronic and the printed versions) can be scanned by smartphones and watched, listened to, visited, etc.


Publication prices

PRINTED AND ONLINE: Publication of the papers in Symmetry is free of charge for the authors. Printed version is published in b/w only. However, the same papers are published online in full colours.

COLOUR PRINT: On the request of the authors, their paper can be printed in colour, provided that the authors agree with the Publisher to pay the extra costs in advance.



Authors of individual papers may choose to make their papers published online open access. Open access papers are published in print version too. Those who choose the open access option are charged €400 for the article processing (up to 20 pages). Article processing charge (APC) is due after the online publication of the paper (see the procedure here). Authors of open access papers may retain the copyright.

Guest editors of thematic issues may agree with the Publisher to publish the electronic version open access, provided that they pay a negotiated fee in advance.

MS Word Stylesheet
Review form
Copyright transfer form
SCS Latex template.tex
SCS Latex template.pdf