Volume 1, Number 4, pages 337-448 (1990)
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Symmetry in a kaleidoscope, 4
- Volume 1, Number 4, page 339-339 (1990)
- Three questions: Three axes of symmetry
Volume 1, Number 4, page 340-340 (1990)
- Robert A. Wiggs
Agents of symmetry in operation
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 341-355 (1990) - Sonia L. Sheridan
Symmetry/asymmetry: An artist\'s view
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 356-368 (1990) - Kirti Trivedi
Symmetry in Hindu philosophy
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 369-386 (1990)
- Pieter Huybers, Gerritt van der Ende
Polyhedral geometry as a basis for building structures and other material systems
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 387-422 (1990) - Vladimir A. Koptsik
What is symmetry
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 423-428 (1990) - Haruo Hosoya
What is symmetry? A personal view
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 429-430 (1990)
- Haruo Hosoya
Symmetrical combination of the sums and products of trigonometric functions giving integers
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 431-439 (1990)
- Calendar of events
- Second International Symposium on Electronic Art (SISEA)
November 12-17, 1990 - Groningen, The Netherlands. - Heureka: National Research Exhibition, 700 years of Switzerland
May 10-October 27, 1991 - Zürich, Switzerland. - International Fedorov Conference: Centenary of Space Groups, Present State and Future,
in Russian and English
May 14-18, 1991 - Leningrad, USSR. - Szimmetria és topológia az evolúcióban
[Symmetry and Topolgy in Evolution], in Hungarian.
May 28-29, Budapest - Hungary. - International Conference on Polytypes, Modulated Structures, and Quasicrystals
August 20-24, 1991 - Balatonszépak, Hungary. - Spatial Structures at the Turn of the Millenium: IASS Symposium
(International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures)
September 2-6, 1991 - Copenhagen, Denmark. - Conference on Intuitive Geometry
September 2-7, 1991 - Szeged - Hungary. - Was kommt und was bleibt in den Künsten? Versuche und Versuchungen im Mozart-jahr,
10. Symposion der Internationale Gesellschaft für Polyästethische Erziehung
[The Arts - Innovations and Their Lasting Significance: Experiments and Temptations
in a Year Devoted to the Artistic Work of W.A. Mozart,
10th Symposium of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education]
September 16-22, 1991 - Mittersill, Land Salzburg, Austria. - Conference on Neural Networks and Rhythms in Vertebrates and Invertebrates
September 26-28, 1991 - Arcachon, France. - Natürliche Konstruktionen: 2. Internationales Symposion
[Natural Constructions: 2nd International Symposium]
October 1-4, 1991 - Stuttgart, F.R. Germany. - Imagina 92: Images Beyond Imagination, Digital Art Gallery
January 29-31, 1992 - Bry-sur-Marne, France. - Symposium on Tradition, Transmission, and Transformation:
Ancient Mathematics in its Islamic and Occidental Context
March 6-7, 1992 - Norman, Oklahoma, USA. - Szimmetria-aszimmetria [Symmetry-asymmetry], in Hungarian
March 26-27, 1992 - Szeged, Hungary. - Hyperculture: Virtual Presence in Complex Systems
April 30-May 3, 1992 - Caerleon, Wales. - Thermodynamics and Scale in Evolving Biological Systems: 4th International Meeting
May 14-16, 1992 - Provo, Utah, USA. - 4th International Conference on Quasicrystals
May 31-June 5, 1992 - St. Louis, Missouri, USA. - Art and Mathematics Conference (AM92)
June 9-11, 1992 - Albany, New-York, USA. - Ars Electronica: The World from Within, Festival for Art, Technology and Society
June 23-27, 1992 - Linz, Austria. - Pacific Symmetries
July 5-12, 1992 - Suva, Fiji (Oceania). - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Technique (SIGGRAPH'92)
July 26-31, 1992 - Chicago, Illinois, USA. - 12th Congress of the International Association for Empirical Aesthetics combined with a meeting of the International Association for the Semiotic Study of Space
July 26-31, 1992 - Berlin, Germany. - Symmetry of Patterns: Second Interdisciplinary Symmetry Symposium and Exhibition
August 17-23, 1992 - Hiroshima, Japan. - Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter
August 26-September 2, 1992 - Poznan, Poland. - 1st International Seminar on Structural Morphology
[1er Séminaire International sur la Morphologie Structurale]
September 7-11, 1992 - Montpellier, France. - Lauschen - Schauen - Bilden: Kulturpädagogische Perspektiven Polyästhetischer Erziehung,
11. Symposion der Internationale Gesellschaft für Polyästhetische Erziehung
[To listen, to Look, to Teach: Culture-Educational Aspects of Polyaesthetic Education
11th Symposium of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education]
September 14-20, 1992 - Mittersill, Land Salzburg, Austria. - Visualization\'92
October 19-23, 1992 - Boston, Massachusetts, USA. - Third International Symposium on Electronic Art (TISEA)
November 11-15, 1992 - Sydney, Australia. - Evolutionäre Symmetrietheorie: Selbstorganization und Dynamische Systeme
[Evolutionary Symmetry Theory: Self-Organisation and Dynamical Systems]
January 28-30, 1993 - Frankfurt am Main, F.R. Germany. - Ars Electronica 93: Genetic Art - Ertificial Life, Festival for Art, Technology, and Society
June 14-18, 1993 - Linz, Austria.
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 440-443 (1990)
- Second International Symposium on Electronic Art (SISEA)
- Ferenc Vidor
Book review- Ashgar T. Minai
Design as Aesthetic Communication, Structuring Random-Order; Deconstruction of Formal Rationality
American University Studies, Series XX, Fine Arts, vol 9,
New-York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1989
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 444-445 (1990)
- Ashgar T. Minai
- Dénes Nagy
Symmetric reviews 1.4- Symmetric review 1.4-1
Mitkhat S. Bulatov
Geometricheskaya garmonizatsiya v arkhitekture Srednei Azii IX-XV vv.: Istoriko-teoreticheskoe issledovanie
[Geometric Harmonization in Central Asian Architecture in the 9th-15th cc.: Historical-Theoretical Research], in Russian
2nd enlarged ed., Moskva: Nauka, 1988, 360 pp. - Symmetric review 1.4-2
Xudong Fan, Les A. Bursill, and Ju L. Peng
Fourier transforms and structural analysis of spiral lattices
International Journal of Modern Physics, B2 (1988), 131-146. - Symmetric review 1.4-3
Paulus Gerdes, ed.
No. 4 (October 1989). - Symmetric review 1.4-4
Gábor Hajnóczi
A kétezer éves Vitruvius [Two-thousand-year old Vitruvius], in Hungarian
In: Vitruvius, Tiz könyv az épitészetröl,
Budapest, Képzömüvészeti, 1988, 9-29. - Symmetric review 1.4-5
Elke Koch and Werner Fischer
On 3-periodic minimal surfaces with non-cubic symmetries
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 183 (1988), 129-152.
Volume 1, Number 4, pages 445-447 (1990)
- Symmetric review 1.4-1
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