Volume 11, Number 1-4, pages 001-480 (2000)
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Special issue edited by Sándor Kabai
Consulting editors: Koji Miyazaki and Gábor Gévay
- Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, page 005-005 (2000)
- Symmetry Festival 2003 where Science meets Art. 16-22 August, 2003, Budapest, Hungary
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, page 006-006 (2000)
- Magnus J. Wenninger
Memoirs of a polyhedronist
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 007-015 (2000) - Vladimir Bulatov
Stellated dodecahedron
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, page 016-016 (2000) - George W. Hart
In the palm of Leonardo's hand: Modeling polyhedra
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 017-025 (2000) - Satoshi Yamaguchi
Higher-dimensional zonotopes
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, page 026-026 (2000) - Michel Deza, Mikhail Shtogrin
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 027-064 (2000) - Carlo H. Séquin
Symmetrical projections of the high-dimensional regular polytopes
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 065-084 (2000) - Gábor Gévay, Koji Miyazaki
Occurrence of crystal forms in the central projections of 4-dimensional polytopes
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 085-116 (2000) - Jeff Weeks
Kaleidoscopic polyhedra and tilings
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 117-124 (2000) - Szaniszló Bérczi
From the periodic system of Platonic and Archimedean solids and tessellations to the 4D regular polyhedra and tessellations (with extension to some 5D polytopes)
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 125-137 (2000) - Richard Klitzing
Convex segmentochora
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 139-181 (2000) - George W. Hart
A color-matching dissection of the rhombic enneacontahedron
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 183-199 (2000) - Peter W. Messer
Stellations of the rhombic tricontahedron and beyond
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 201-230 (2000) - Robert Webb
Stella: Polyhedron navigator
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 231-268 (2000) - Guy Inchbald
Toward stellating the icosahedron and faceting the dodecahedron: New findings on stellation, faceting and untidy polyhedra
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 269-291 (2000) - Russell Towle
Rhombic spirallohedra
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 293-306 (2000) - Dániel Erdély
The Spidron model
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 307-316 (2000) - Lajos Szilassi
On three classes of regular toroids
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 317-335 (2000) - Izidor Hafner
Golden rhombic polyhedra
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 337-359 (2000) - Sándor Kabai, Szaniszló Bérczi
Crystallography of a space station, Part I: How to build stellated rhombic tricontahedral structures from golden rhombohedra by folding and docking
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 361-378 (2000) - Christopher Glass
The Pythagopod
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 379-391 (2000) - Stephan Werbeck
Multiple unit constructions of face-connected regular dodecahedra: A comparative study of simple and complex forms
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 393-403 (2000) - Jay Kappraff
Tangrams and Amish quilts
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 405-423 (2000) - Robert A. Wiggs
Rethinking polyhedra: It's all about transformation
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 425-441 (2000) - Alfredo Cattan, Liliana D'Angeli, Pedro D. Reissig
The morphological bridge between logic and aesthetic sensitivity: The design of a geometry exhibit for the Buenos Aires Science Museum
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 443-453 (2000)
- Raymond F. Tennant
Abstract construction projects and the imagination: Hands-on projects for understanding abstract mathematical concepts through the use of polyhedral models and planar designs
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 455-472 (2000)
- György Darvas
Book review - Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu
Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry: A Basic Exposition of Classical Mechanical Sysytems
Texts in Applied Mathematics Series
New-York: Springer Verlag, 1999, Second edition, 582 p., with 54 illustrations - D.L. Johnson
Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series
London: Springer-Verlag, 2001, 198 p. - Sándor Kabai
Mathematical Graphics I: Lessons in Computer Graphics Using Mathematica
(Preface and Appendix by Szaniszló Bérczi)
Püspökladány, HU: UNICONSTANT, 2003, 278 p. - L. Christine Kinsey, Teresa E. Moore
Symmetry, Shape, and Space: An introduction to Methematics Through Geometry
(Cover Image: René Magritte: The blank Signature)
Emerywill, CA: Key College Publishing in co-operation with Springer-Verlag,
New-York, 2002, 494 p.
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 473-477 (2000) - Gábor Gévay
Book review - István Hargittai, Torwald C. Laurent, eds.
Symmetry 2000
Part 1-2, Wenner-Gren International Series, Vol. 80
(Proceedings from a symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Centre, Stockholm, in September 2000)
London: Portland Press, 2002, xix+627 p.
Volume 11, Numbers 1-4, pages 478-479 (2000)
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