Volume 15, Number 3-4, pages 385-768 (2004)
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A synthesis of constancy and change
Proceedings of the Symmetry Festival 2003, Part 2
- Johan F. Aarnes, Signe H. Knudtzon
The hidden symmetries of Morley's triangle
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 387-394 (2003-2004) - Jun Ozone
Wasan, origami and the fixed point theorem
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 395-402 (2003-2004) - Zoltán Perjés
Tori of colored cubes
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 403-441 (2003-2004) - Michael Burt
The quasi-periodic close packing of rhombic-triacontahedra
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 443-444 (2003-2004) - Lajos Szilassi
Regular toroids
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 445-446 (2003-2004) - Paul Gailiunas
Tessellation skew polygons
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 447-451 (2003-2004) - Dániel Erdély
The spidron system
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 453-457 (2003-2004) - Douglas Dunham, Abhijit Parsekar
Transforming patterns between geometries
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 459-467 (2003-2004) - Bernd Wegner
Web information on mathematics and symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 469-471 (2003-2004)
- Robert Schiller
Through the looking glass
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 473-475 (2003-2004) - Solomon Marcus
Symmetry phenomena in infinite words, with biological, philosophical and aesthetic relevance
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 477-487 (2003-2004) - András Sebestyén Szöllösy
Language: The sense of symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 489-490 (2003-2004) - Giora Hon
Kant and incongruent counterparts: Missing the modern concept of symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 491-495 (2003-2004) - Kirti Trivedi
The Talamana system of India: A measure for the Cosmic Order and the Cosmic Rhythm
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 497-500 (2003-2004) - John Collier
Tetralectics: Ancient and modern precursors
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 501-502 (2003-2004) - Borisz Szántó
On the model-related nature of information
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 503-528 (2003-2004) - Alexander Zenkin, Anton Zenkin
Ontology of mirror symmetry in logic and set theory to solve Hilbert's first problem
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 529-535 (2003-2004) - Hisao Honda
Recovery of symmetric projection of retinal optical images to the midbrain during neural regeneration
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 537-542 (2003-2004) - Kuniko Satake
Variation of paths from a symmetric pattern to another symmetric pattern
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 543-548 (2003-2004) - Emmanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta
Labyrinth of mirrors
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 549-561 (2003-2004)
- Ruth Lorand
The role of symmetry in art
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 563-572 (2003-2004) - Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya
Combinatorial literature: From "Ars Magna" of Ramon Lull to "Hundred thousand milliard poems" of Raymond Queneau
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 573-581 (2003-2004) - Georgina Fröhlich
Fractal geometry in music
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 583-598 (2003-2004) - Vladimir Bondarenko, Igor Yevin, Alexander Koblyakov
Symmetry in the interaction of music and brain
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 599-608 (2003-2004) - Albert van der Schoot
Fivefold symmetry, fivefold fantasy
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 609-621 (2003-2004) - Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 623-630 (2003-2004) - Boldizsár Fejérvári
MADI: This side of art, the other side of symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 631-646 (2003-2004) - Doris Schattschneider
The interplay of local and global symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, page 647-647 (2003-2004) - Roberto Giunti
Hidden order in highly irregular spatial representations: Edge of chaos in Klee's experiments on perspective
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 649-668 (2003-2004) - Cheryl Akner-Koler, Lars Bergström
Complex curvatures in form theory and string theory
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 669-676 (2003-2004) - John Hiigli, Stephen Weil
Mapping permutations of geometric form
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 677-683 (2003-2004) - Ramila Patel
Symmetry in patterns on Swazi grass mats
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 685-690 (2003-2004) - Annegret Haake
Tukang cap - Masters of symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 691-703 (2003-2004) - Irina G. Anishchenko, Alexander A. Zenkin, Anton A. Zenkin
Semantic symmetry of a spiritual space of a temple and the universe of Leibniz's monadology: Unexpected crosspoints of arts and science
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 705-710 (2003-2004) - Einar Thorsteinn, Olafur Eliasson
Geometry of natural patterns in the 2002 BAWAG edition book: To the inhabitants of space in general and to the spatial inhabitants in particular
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 711-731 (2003-2004) - Oleg Bodnar
Dynamic symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, page 732-732 (2003-2004) - Toshihiro Bando, Daisuke Hirabayashi
Spiral pattern as an attractor of human visual attention
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 733-738 (2003-2004) - Sara Diamond
States of discourse-dialogues in symmetry
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 739-741 (2003-2004) - Klara Kuchta
Geometry and its influence on the contemporary arts
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 743-744 (2003-2004) - Sándor Fekete Kiss
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 745-746 (2003-2004)
- Balázs Villányi
Modular origami polyhedra
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 747-748 (2003-2004) - Peter McLeish
Lightening's angels
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 749-752 (2003-2004) - Ferhan Kiziltepe
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 753-758 (2003-2004) - Katalin Bérczi
Symmetry and ornamental construction in Hungarian folk art and today's craftmanship
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 759-760 (2003-2004) - Zsófia Bérczi
Ages and their labyrinths: Their symmetries
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, pages 761-763 (2003-2004) - Magnus J. Wenninger
Symmetries of polyhedra, paper-folded models
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, page 765-765 (2003-2004) - Invitation card
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, page 766-766 (2003-2004) - Poster
Volumes 14-15, Part 2, page 767-767 (2003-2004)
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