Volume 18, Number 1, pages 001-096 (2007)
Symmetry in art and science education, 3.
Proceedings of the Symmetry Festival 2006, part 3.
- Mark Leikin, Galit De-Vries
Relationships between origami activity, visual-spatial perception and academic achievements: Factor of symmetry
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 005-009 (2007) - Kwan Shi-pui, Sze Chong-Lap
The Greek cross and paper folding squares
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 011-020 (2007) - David Brill
Masu matrioshki
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 021-027 (2007) - Vincent Floderer
About folded and crumpled models in Nature
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 029-041 (2007) - Yulia Vaserchuk
Paper plastics as the culture of shape creation in arts education. The development of geometry of the paper form
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 043-060 (2007) - Szaniszló Bérczi
New composite plane symmetry patterns from the ancient Eurasia
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 061-070 (2007) - Dániel Erdély
The Spidron system
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 071-074 (2007) - Gábor Gévay, Lajos Szilassi
Spirallohedron: A space-filling body
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 075-088 (2007) - Robert A. Wiggs
Spatial junctions and separations
Volume 18, Number 1, pages 089-092 (2007)