György Darvas Editorial Volume 26, Number 4, pages 403-404 (2015)
Gergely Székely On some symmetry axioms in relativity theories Volume 26, Number 4, pages 405-420 (2015)
Emil Makovicky In the footsteps of Maragha – Ornamental panels in the madrasas and mosques of Esfahan, Konya, Agra, Sivas and Yazd Volume 26, Number 4, pages 421-441 (2015)
Pierre Székely with notes by France Haour – Why am I symmetric – or almost? Volume 26, Number 4, pages 442-475 (2015)
Rowlands, Peter How Schrödinger’s Cat Escaped the Box, and Rowlands, Peter: The Foundations of Physical Law Volume 26, Number 4, pages 476-479 (2015)