Issue Content

Volume 4, Number 3, pages 225-336 (1993)

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(Special issue edited by Mária Vicsek and Tamás Vicsek)


  • Mária Vicsek, Tamás Vicsek
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 227-228 (1993)


  • Alain Schenkel, Jun Zhang, Yi-Cheng Zhang
    Long range correlation in human writings
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 229-241 (1993)


  • B. Lea Cox, J.S.Y. Wang
    Fractal surfaces: Measurement and applications in the Earth sciences
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 243-283 (1993)

  • Luise Bodri
    Fractal properties of climatic records
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 285-291 (1993)

  • Thomas Zimmermann, Jürgen Stutzki
    Fractal aspects of interstellar clouds
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 293-302 (1993)

  • Eshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Shochet, Adam Tenenbaum, Inon Cohen, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek
    Fractal patterns and complexity during diffusive growth of bacterial colonies
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 303-317 (1993)


  • Benoit B. Mandelbrot
    Opinions (Essay)
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 319-328 (1993)


  • Announcement
    Katachi U Symmetry: An International Symposium
    Tsukuba Science City (near Tokyo), Japan, November 21-25, 1994
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 329-330 (1993)

  • Symmetric news
    Exhibition Ers (Dis)Symmetrica'93
    Kilátó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 10 June - 11 July 1993.
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 330-331 (1993)

  • Symmetric events (calendar of symmetry related events)

    • Monthly meetings
      Szimmetria Kör / Symmetry Circle
      ISIS-Symmetry, Budapest, Hungary.

    • Science and Art: Creativity, Motivation, and the Joy of Learning
      October 28-31, 1993 - Chicago, Illinois, USA.

    • Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art (FISEA)
      November 3-7, 1993 - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

    • Growth and Form: Art and Science Conference
      November 27, 1993 - Bristol, UK.
    • Art and Science Looking in the 3rd Millenium
      January 20-22, 1994 - Lisbon, Portugal.

    • XVth International Humanitas Congress
      March 5-15, 1994 - Arizona, USA.

    • Foams Euroconference
      March 27-29, 1994 - Renvyle (near Letterfrack), Ireland.

    • Annual convention of the Brewster Society
      June 10-12, 1994 - San Francisco, California, USA.

    • Semiotics Around the World: Synthesis in Diversity,
      Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS)

      June 12-18, 1994, Berkeley, California, USA.

    • Ars Electronica 1994: Intelligent Environments - Festival for Art, Technology, and Society
      June 21-25, 1994 - Linz, Austria.

    • Convex and Discrete Geometry
      June 27-July 2, 1994 - Bydgoszcz, Poland.

    • History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM): An International Conference
      July 25-27, 1994 - Blumenau, Brazil.

    • International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 94)
      August 3-11, 1994 - Zürich, Switzerland.

    • Kunst und Religion: Weltmusik und Weltreligionen - Klänge und Texte, Kulte und Kulturen
      Arts and Religion: Music and Religions of the World - Sound and Word, Cults and Cultures

      August 15-20, 1994 - Salzburg, Austria.

    • Structural and Dynamical Symmetry in Complex Systems
      August 21-27, 1994 - Bielefeld, F.R. Germany.

    • 15th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-15)
      August 28-September 2, 1994 - Leipzig, F.R. Germany.

    • Second International Conference on Cyclic Processes in Nature and Society
      October 17-23, 1994 - Stavropol, Russia.

    • Katachi U Symmetry
      November 21-25, 1994 - Tsukuba Science City, Japan.

    • Origami Science and Scientific Origami
      November 29-December 2, 1994 - Ohtsu (near Kyoto), Japan.

    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 331-333 (1993)

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