Issue Content

Volume 9, Number 2-4, pages 113-464 (1998)

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Order / disorder, Proceedings of the Haifa Congress
Organisation and hierarchy in science, technology, art, design, and the humanities.
Selected papers, presented at the Fourth Congress and Exhibition of ISIS-Symmetry, Haifa, 13-18 September 1998.
(Special issue edited by G. Darvas, D. Nagy and D. Shechtman)


  • Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 117-118 (1998)

  • Iris Aravot
    Ordering principles in 20th century urban design approaches
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 119-130 (1998)

  • David Avnir, Omer Katzenelson, Shahar Keinan, Mark Pinsky, Yariv Pinto, Yair Salomon, Hagit Zabrodsky, Hel-Or
    The measurement of symmetry: Bridging order and disorder
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 131-134 (1998)

  • Giuseppe Caglioti
    Physical aspects of order in visual communication
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 135-142 (1998)

  • Dalia Cohen
    Order/disorder as a factor in shaping a style schemata of repetition and form
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 143-164 (1998)

  • John Collier, Mark Burch
    Order from rhythmic entrainment and the origin of levels through dissipation
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 165-178 (1998)

  • György Darvas
    Laws of symmetry breaking
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 179-188 (1998)

  • Tommy Dreyfus, Theodore Eisenberg
    On Symmetry in School Mathematics
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 189-198 (1998)

  • Douglas Dunham
    Morphological transformation of hyperbolic patterns
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 199-206 (1998)

  • D. Fisher-Gewirtzman, Y. Tzamir, M. Burt
    An integral spatial approach to comparative evaluation of dense environments
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 207-216 (1998)

  • Katalin Fittler
    The appearances of the different fine arts in music
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 217-230 (1998)

  • Irina Guletsky
    The mirror-symmetry, the Fibonacci series and the golden section in the Renaissance mass composition
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 231-248 (1998)

  • Hagit Hel-Or, David Avnir
    iComputational aspects in image analysis of symmetry and of its perception
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 249-256 (1998)

  • Iwami Higashi, Toshio Ishii, Takaho Tanaka, Kimiko Kobayashi
    Icosahedral B12 arrangements in YB66 and YB41Si1.2
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 257-268 (1998)

  • Margaret Holmes Williamson
    Symmetry and social order: The Tlingit Indians of Southern Alaska
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 269-282 (1998)

  • Einat Kalisch-Rotem, Iris Aravot
    Approaches in urban design: The disorder that results from ordering the disorder
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 283-296 (1998)

  • Eyal Karni
    The order of stairs: Architectural considerations in staircase design
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 297-306 (1998)

  • Elzbieta T. Kazmierczak
    Philosophy and aesthetic preferences: symmetry versus asymmetry
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 307-314 (1998)

  • Peter Klein
    "Ordo Mundi" - Order of the world and structure of reason in Raffaello's "Stanza della segnatura"
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 315-333 (1998)

  • Rotem Kowner
    Human fluctuating asymmetry: What does it mean for psychologists
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 334-345 (1998)

  • Ryszard Krasnodebski
    On Wladyslaw Strzeminski's 13. Unistic composition. Philosophical, physical and mathematical aspects
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 346-372 (1998)

  • Klara Kuchta, Shlomo Dubnov
    Installation and Performance for Reflection of Sound and Light, "Concertino for Electric Cords and Salt"
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 373-374 (1998)

  • Roza Leikin, Abraham Berman, Orit Zaslavsky
    On the definition of symmetry
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 375-382 (1998)

  • Pedro C. Marijuán, José Pastor, Morris Villarroel
    The language of cells: A partitional approach to cell-signalling
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 383-392 (1998)

  • Göran Rämme
    Experiments with soap bubbles
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 393-399 (1998)

  • Janusz Rebielak
    Some aspects of space structures shaping
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 400-407 (1998)

  • Idit Saragusti, Ilan Sharon, Omer Katzenelson, David Avnir
    Quantitative analysis of the symmetry of artefacts
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 408-414 (1998)

  • A.M. Segal, E.G. Rapis
    Common mechanisms of different functional levels of self-organization
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 415-420 (1998)

  • George G. Szpiro
    A symmetric pattern in financial markets
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 421-430 (1998)

  • Tibor Tarnai
    Optimizing lotus flowers
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 431-440 (1998)

  • Yasunari Watanabe
    Geometrical interpretation: Recurrence formula of natural number's power series summation
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 441-456 (1998)

  • Bernd Wegner
    Tangential symmetries of planar curves and space curves
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 457-461 (1998)

  • Tamás F. Farkas
    Volume 9, Numbers 2-4, pages 118, 130, 188, 198, 206, 248, 296, 306 (1998)

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