In this page,
- you can identify the article you want to make available accessed for free at the specified price, and
- pay the APC by your bank card.
You can make an article available for free
- as soon as the article has been published online in the journal’s website, and
- if you are already a registered and logged in user. You can register here and login here.
First, search for the article you want to make Open Access based on the author's name or the title of the article.
Please enter a keyword or phrase to search for, then click the Search button:
- The search engine searches between the titles of the articles and the name(s) of the author(s).
- For a successful search, the entered term must be at least 3 characters long.
- The search is not case-sensitive.
- The more precise is the entered phrase, the more accurate the result.
Choose the article that suits you from among the listed results and click the ADD TO CART button in its window.
Then, there will appear the contents of the shopping, where you see the selected article together with the APC price.
By clicking the CHECKOUT button in the shopping cart window, you will be taken to a control page. By clicking the PAYMENT button, the system will redirect you to the payment page of the K&H Bank, where you can transfer the price for Open Access.
After successful payment, the article you selected will be available for free download within 24 hours at the latest.