Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of Symmetry: Culture and Science

1. Editorial Board

  • Contact information to the editorial office and the members of the editorial boards of Symmetry: Culture and Science, including links to their personal websites, are listed at the page of the Editorial Boards. The boards include three Nobel- and several other laureates and equivalent level experts in other disciplines.

2. Authors and Authors responsibilities

  • The journal does not require any fee or charge for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials. The only exceptions are when the authors insist on printing illustrations in their paper in colours, and when the authors place an order with the publisher to publish the electronic version open access (cf. Instructions, paragraph 3).
  • Authors accept the obligation to participate in peer review process.
  • Authors accept that all listed co-authors should have significantly contributed to the research.
  • All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes on the request of the editor based the peer review.
  • The papers should include a list of references as required in the page Instructions, and acknowledgement of financial support (if any).
  • By submitting a paper the authors take note of the requirement that the same paper cannot have been published in another journal, with the exception that the submitted paper contains additional new research results.

3. Peer-review process

  • The journal’s full research and review paper content is subjected to peer-review.
  • Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field. All submitted papers are reviewed by at least three reviewers and evaluated by an editor. Final decision is made by the Editor in Chief. The review process is single blind: the name of the authors is open for the reviewers, but the name of the reviewers are kept closed for the authors, unless the reviewer decides otherwise.
  • The editor of the issue takes care of the objectivity of the judgments.
  • Reviewers should have no conflict of interest.
  • Reviewers may point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
  • Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
  • Ethical guidelines for peer-reviewers can be found under Instructions for Reviewers in the bottom of the page Instructions.

4. Publication ethics

  • The publisher (Symmetrion) and the editor(s) take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
  • In no case do they encourage research misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
  • In the event that they are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately.
  • When needed, the editor asks the authors in written to retract or correct their articles.
  • The journal is open to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

5. Copyright and Access

6. Archiving

  • Printed issues can be found in several major libraries (e.g., Library of Congress, Hungarian National Library, etc.). Electronic backup is secured at the journal’s domain server, at the publisher and at the hosting website webmaster.

7. Ownership and management

8. Web site

9. Publishing schedule

  • Symmetry: Culture and Science is published quarterly.

10. Name of journal

  • Edition of the journal started in the Fall of 1988. It was the only journal that time whose name included the term symmetry. The ISSN number 0865-4824 for the print issue was assigned to the journal in 1989. The first issue was published in early 1990. The title of the journal has not changed since than.