Review form - Please return the completed form in text format to the Editor. (If needed, use latex notation for mathematical symbols.) Author(s): ... Title: ... Evaluation categories: (A: Excellent; B: Good; C: Average; D: Poor; E: Very poor) 1 Content: Overall evaluation (A-E): Presentation and clarity (A-E): Originality (A-E): Does the paper meet the quality required for the journal Symmetry: Culture and Science? (A-E): Significance of the topic from the aspect of symmetry in accordance with the aims and scope of S:C&S (A-E): Application of the used methods, theory, examples, etc.(A-E): Are the title, abstract and keywords appropriate? (Yes – No): Are the figures and tables appropriate? (Yes – No): 2 Format Does the formatting of the paper correspond to the template required for the journal? (Yes – No) Content of the References (A-E): Format of the References (A-E): 3 Language English language (A-E): Its English is acceptable as it is (Yes – No): Its English needs to be checked and corrected by the author (Yes – No): Its English needs minor correction, (spell-check is enough) (Yes – No): In the latter case, list your recommendations to correct the English of the paper: 4 Final recommendation (select one): - Acceptable for publication, as it is, or with minor changes - Acceptable for publication with major changes - Not acceptable for publication, but could be resubmitted - Not acceptable for publication, and should not be resubmitted 5 Detailed comments: please, put here your evaluation remarks (in particular with reasons if you propose to reject the submission), and list the recommended changes, if any: 6 Confidential comments to the editor (not communicated to the author(s)):